Some banks actually support FIDO2 and hence security keys

On my research on FIDO2 security key usage I stumbled upon a bank that actually supports the FIDO2 standard and hence accepts e.g. my YubiKey 5 or SoloKey 2 as...

Git supports commit signatures with OpenSSH keys

Through new configuration options in newer GitLab versions I found out about the ability of git to use OpenSSH keys to sign commits and tags. This is a handy feature...

SSH session caching with ControlMaster

Today I learned that the OpenSSH client supports maintaining SSH connections in background even after closing the current active terminal session. I found out about this while researching the use...

Not to reboot a LUKS encrypted system from afar, unprepared

There is a Workstation in the office which I wanted to upgrade to the latest Fedora Workstation version 37. Right after following the dnf documentation on upgrades and issuing the...

Custom display resolution under Wayland is "interesting"

Apparently it is not straight forward to set a custom display resolution under Wayland. Fedora 37 uses Wayland by default and if you, like me, use a monitor and graphics...

docker on Fedora has conservative ulimits

Today I woke up to alert mails from my monitoring that the InfluxDB instance was restarting now and again. Looking into this I found out that it couldn’t open any...

What is /dev/snd in Linux?

This is more about my first experience where ChatGPT brought up useful information faster than my search on DuckDuckGo. I asked ChatGPT: What is /dev/snd in linux? It’s response to...