Building A DIY Fedora IoT OSTree
Now being fired up let’s familiarize ourselves with the essentials around Fedora IoT and OSTree to get our custom build going. What we are going to do is: Clone the...
Warum Mir Bloggen So Schwer Fällt
Lange Zeit habe Schwierigkeiten gehabt Texte über Themen zu verfassen die mich beschäftigen und darüber letztlich auch zu bloggen. Ich habe verschiedene Gründe dafür gesucht und auseinander genommen. Angst vor...
Aus der Kirche austreten?
Der Aufschlag für die folgenden Zeilen macht ein Video von MrWissen2Go: Gottloses Deutschland? Warum die Kirchen ein Problem haben. Am Ende des Videos fragt Mirko nach Meinungen und insbesondere danach,...
Maintaining A Fedora IoT Remix And It's Actually Fun!
Let me introduce you to the amazing topic of building and maintaining your own Fedora IoT OS/Firmware Remix. I want to use Fedora IoT on Raspberry Pi (and a multitude...
Introducing The Startup othermo
Hey there! After some abstinence I’m back with some news. Since October 2017 I’m one of the co-founders of othermo. We are currently working on bringing mid to large-scale heating...
First Gaze At The Neural Net
After the infrastructure is on the go now I can spent time on writing my thesis about it! Besides I’ll have a more in-depth look at the trained neural net...
Embedding Python - An Odyssey
Now that I have decent training and validation sets and a first prediction model, the question is how to integrate it into the bot. As data scientist I work with...