I'll shave that Yak as soon as I finish... ah, damn.

Buckle up. This post is going through quite some lengths to describe a journey of me wanting to write a blog post in my holidays, which I did not write....

The conjunction of spheres

I’m merging my two blogs (and other ideas) into one, allowing a bit of chaos to set my mind free. The conjunction of spheres is the topic of The Witcher...

FOSS Report 2021.11

About FOSS Reports From now on I’m going to compose reports of the work I do around Free and Open Source projects as part of my mental health strategy. In...

Weltenwanderer im sozialen Multiversum

Wir sitzen in einem Café an urigen Tischen auf gepolsterten Sesseln. Neben dir steht eine antike Standuhr. Schräg gegenüber von uns ist eine Theke mit allerlei süßem Gebäck und hinter...

Introducing Powerline to Fedora Toolbox

First let’s setup a little baseline, a Powerline so to speak. I’m using Powerline as a plugin for my shell and for vim, a statusline tool turning the common shell...

Fallback zeroconf with Network Manager

Let’s say there is this IIoT gateway device with only one ethernet interface that you want to use for configuration and also production network access. The device runs a Fedora...

Automated GPG signing in RPM-OSTree-Engine v0.4.0

With the latest update v0.4.0 RPM-OSTree-Engine can now also build Fedora 34 and most importantly handle automated gpg signing of the RPM-OSTree commits and summary file. Either directly after the...